Building towards a future of carbon sovereignty for Sabah.

Forest, Water & Soil

Carbon Sovereign Sabah

Carbon Sovereign Sabah emerged in response to the signing of a Nature Conservation Agreement between the Sabah State Government and a Singapore-based company that granted exclusive rights to monetise 2 million hectares of Sabah’s forest reserves for carbon and non-carbon assets — without the Free, Prior, and Informed Consent of the indigenous communities that surround and inhabit them. An advocacy campaign envisioning a future of carbon sovereignty for Sabah, CSS aspires to elevate carbon and climate literacy and discourse through convenings, conversation and knowledge sharing locally, regionally and beyond.


Project summary

Carbon Sovereign Sabah emerged in response to the signing of a Nature Conservation Agreement between the Sabah State Government and a Singapore-based company that granted exclusive rights to monetise 2 million hectares of Sabah’s forest reserves for carbon and non-carbon assets — without the Free, Prior, and Informed Consent of the indigenous communities that surround and inhabit them. An advocacy campaign envisioning a future of carbon sovereignty for Sabah, CSS aspires to elevate carbon and climate literacy and discourse through convenings, conversation and knowledge sharing locally, regionally and beyond.

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