Building ecosystem resilience by fostering community-based conservation
Forest, Water & Soil
Food, Agriculture & Fisheries
Energy, Infrastructure & Waste
Kivatu Nature Farm
The aim of this project is to shift agriculture practices in Sabah towards models of sustainable models of food production.
Project summary
Supported by Forever Sabah, Kivatu Nature Farm (KNF) is a simple plot with great ambition. It simply seeks to improve and curates the many facets of finding balance in crop growing. KNF promotes food security, reduction of food mileage and the conservation of Sabah’s best crop varieties specially selected from the countryside.
While we rush to modernized agriculture, we cannot afford to forget traditional practices that offer great solutions, assist in reversing environmental problems and address food safety issues that affect people in Sabah. Everyone can plant food in their backyards, balconies and spaces endowed with ample sunlight. We want to create a community who are motivated to apply chemical-free techniques and believe that great food can be grown personally with loving care.
Kivatu Nature Farm envisions itself to be the hub for information exchange and a training ground for grassroots farmers and hobbyists with an interest to start their own little plots, on the right basics, and the right ingredients.
Model farm on organic and sustainable farming
Training centre for communities on nature farming and food processing