developing a multimedia handbook on land and environmental policy and law in Sabah.

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Legal Innovation Team

The aim of this project is to deliver cutting edge legal advice and support to Forever Sabah, including identifying strategic entry points in the law for promoting a transition to a circular economy, and providing platforms for developing innovative policy, legal and institutional frameworks.


Project summary


The aim of this project is to deliver cutting edge legal advice and support to Forever Sabah, including identifying strategic entry points in the law for promoting a transition to a circular economy, and providing platforms for developing innovative policy, legal and institutional frameworks.

FS is working to achieve this goal by exploring several areas of collaboration, including:

  • Civil society-legal fraternity-academia partnerships to conduct critical reviews and analyses of Sabah’s land and environmental laws, evaluate innovative legal frameworks and institutional arrangements in other countries, and track relevant international decision-making processes.
  • Community-civil society-industry-judiciary-government partnerships to promote appropriate and fair implementation of existing supportive laws and legal processes and to develop new and innovative legal and policy reforms where needed.
  • Collaboration with regional and international networks to share good practices and build on lessons learned from legal innovation experiences in other jurisdictions.
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